
Calgary Fashion & Art Supporter: Eleven Eleven Boutique

Here we go, first blog post. I have been dying to get my blog up and running for over a year. But I am one to make sure things are done right. So here I am finally just diving in to make things happen. By this time 2011 I am hope to see hundreds of followers that I was able to touch and spread the word to. This blog will consist of many events, but also those industry insiders that I have the pleasure of working with so often.

Calgary is so rich in talent and I can't shout it from the roof top loud enough! (hence why I am in PR, ha ha.)

So first up to rave about is one adorable boutique, Eleven Eleven,  located in Kensington just across the street from the Old Ant Hill Fabric store, (which btw is where Market Collective hosts their fantastic markets that shine a light on locally talented artists and designers.) 233 - 10 Street NW. 

This fabulous little spot is not just any clothing store, it's a store that only carries Canadian designers. Yup Yup, you can shop for POUT Clothing, Cherry Chic Designs, Savage Grace Designs and so many more... (yes I was kinda biased just now and only mentioned Calgary designers there,  FTR lol)
There is also an art gallery, Resolution, upstairs.This place is full of art and fashion fun.

So with such a great spot to stroll into the next time you are in Kensington, shop local, shop Canadian.
You should also note there are some fabulous Art parties that occur at the Gallery, and now they have recently added to their schedule some fashion parties supporting the local clothing lines they carry in store.

Here are a few photos from their first fashion party:

Photos Provided by: Zev Abosh of PhotoArt4U
From the Top Left: 1. Makeup Artist, Kada Issa 2. Me, with Savage Grace Designs Jeweler, Lina Oprea & BF 
3. Some Random People 
Bottom from Left: 1. Belly Dancer, Donna Haris 2. Model, Nadia Bakurova, 3. Eleven Eleven Store Owner, Andrea Walker 4 & 5 More Random people 

 This party was on November 11th, 2010. The night Valrie Powell got to show off her newest collection for Cherry Chic Designs.

Designer Valrie Powell is new to Calgary (originally from Winnipeg), Powell embraced a little of our western tendencies and gave it a modern twist to it. With a capri jean that had a one leg chap design to it.
Powell was also understood that we are not so "cowtown" anymore, we are moving fashion forward and she showed us some sexy shinny leather tights paired with a great high collar fitted grey jacket that I wanna add to my closet!

Even though she may be new to us in Calgary, she has been in the industry in Manitoba for some time.  So be sure to keep an eye on her upcoming collections and start shopping at Eleven Eleven today for pieces of hers to add to your closet.

Photos Provided by: Zev Abosh of PhotoArt4U
Left: Model, Heather Brittany & Designer Valrie Powell, Center: Model, Via McCormick 

Now see, did you know about this party? You might not have, but you could have. Besides this little party that Eleven Eleven hosted there are many more to come, in particular on January 21st, 2011. 

Photo Provided by: Ruby Ellen Designs
Taken by: Jeremy Goertz  
Eleven Eleven is hosting a launch party for  Ruby Ellen Designs that is showcasing her spring collection, now being carried in the boutique.

You probably have seen this designer, Ruby Johnson, show her great bridal collections of Ruby Ellen Designs on the runway at Alberta Fashion Week for two seasons now. But many of you may not know she also spends many hours custom designing dresses afor customers out of her studio.

Now Johnson has a whole new RED collection that she will be sharing with us at this launch party. Will I be there? Of course... Ruby will be making me something fabulous to wear for the evening. Can't wait!

Question is, will you be?

Ruby Ellen Designs - Spring Launch Party 
January 21st, 2011  7:00pm - 10:00 pm
Eleven Elven Boutique
233 - 10 Street NW

Your Fashion Insider,
Sabrina May


  1. Hey Sabrina,

    Just wondering if I could get photo credit for the picture that Ruby sent in. I'm the photographer who took that image and I don't mind it being used, but I would like credit for it.




  2. Of course, that is not a problem at all. I will add that in. I am all about giving credit to whom ever did the work. :) And this is what my blog is kinda all about, giving recognition to all of Calgary's fashion industry workers.


  3. Thanks so much Sabrina! Even a link! More than I asked for. Much appreciated!

