- 1.the design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a client's specific requirements and measurements.
Now that you actually know what it means (for those who didn't), what better way to really understand it than see it with your own eyes! This Sunday, November 17th, Calgary's own Ecole Holt Couture is hosting it's own Fashion Show to not only teach you the meaning of couture but ....its about Fashion, Couture, Art and Saving the Planet.
ECO Glam is an afternoon event hosted at The Calgary Winter Club by Ecole Holt Couture. A perfect way to spend a cold Sunday indoors. This is also an event that you can bring your daughter, niece or someone under the age of 18 who may be interested in fashion as well. This event is not a +18 event, which for me, I appreciate the idea of being able to entertain my niece or cousin at, because many of the fashion events in Calgary do host their events as +18 only. Which can be unfortunate for some budding fashion designers, students, models, etc.
This is Ecole Holt Couture's 4th annual event, funds raised from hosting this event help support local charity Making Changes.
Cost: General $40 and Students $30
Date: Sunday, November 17th, 2013
Location: Calgary Winter Club, 4611 14th Street NW
Time: 1pm - 5pm
All makes for another fashion event to entertain you, teach you and give back to the community.
Get your tickets here: