You are all fashion lovers, that is why you read this blog. So I know you have many items in your closet that just sit there and go unused. Now there is a consignment option, I do have big love for that option I can even list a couple of my fav spots for it. However that will be another blog post another day. Today, we are talking about an alternative way you can pass on those great pieces that can be reused by someone who would absolutely treasure them and make a difference in their life.
Can you imagine how amazing you would feel if you had such an opportunity for such amazing support if something happened to you, and you needed a leg up to get your career on track! Take that feeling and give back to the so many women in need of these clothes. And I don't mean the ratty Tshirt you work out in the gym in. The items they are looking for are articles that are no more than 3 years old, so they are dressing these women with clothing that can last them another 3 years or more and also improve their confidence. You can't do that in the wrong '80s no no blazer.
So ladies, I encourage you to go through your closets and donate some business attire that can help make a difference in another deserving woman's life. And don't think you need to fill a garbage bag. Even just a few pieces can go a long way. And FTR, coming from someone who used to manage a consignment shop, please don't roll it in a ball and through it in a bag. Help them out by bringing in on a hanger or something.
For more info go to their website:
Follow them on FB too:
If you are interested in volunteering for them, there is a link on their facebook page too.
Or you may even drop by their Dress for Success Calgary's BIG Grand Opening! event happening tonight at Southcentre Mall (in the center court)
Your Fashion & Art Insider,
Sabrina May